No Relief In Federal Budget For A Travel Industry “Far From Recovery”

No Relief In Federal Budget For A Travel Industry “Far From Recovery”

Despite the best efforts of industry lobbyist ACTA and grassroots organization ACITA, yesterday’s 2022 federal budget failed to address the ongoing need for support for travel agencies and independent travel agents.

“Unfortunately, despite these efforts, the federal government has not budgeted for an extension to the Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program wage and rent subsidies or for independent travel agent financial support,” said ACTA president Wendy Paradis. “As a result, it is expected that wage and rent subsidies will end as scheduled on May 7, and no direct financial support for independent travel agents is forthcoming,” Paradis added. On that date, all temporary financial support programs will come to an end, despite the ongoing impact of the Omicron variant and the delayed revenue model that sees travel advisors often wait months for compensation for their efforts.

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